Friday, January 15, 2010

Product Reviews

I have been using some new home cleaning products that are definitely note worthy.

Dyson DC14 all floor model vacuum- I LOVE this thing! My hubby bought it for me for christmas and I am still obsessed with it. When looking at the different models, we decided the Ball was not for us. Though it was "easy" to manuever, it felt a little awkward to me, and didn't seem as sturdy as the regular stand ups. Also, the canister size on the Ball is so small, I didn't want to have to empty it every 5 minutes.
I couldn't be happier with this vacuum. I have two cocker spaniels and a cat, all of which shed like crazy. The first time I vacuumed our apartment, the canister filled up with just my hallway. Full of hair, pet dander, and god knows what else, I couldn't believe the nasty things it picked up! After the first time I vacuumed, I could feel the air in our home get better and Jeff's allergies seemed to be improving.

And it comes with a 5 year warranty! I can't complain about that! If you ask me, it's the best $400 we've spent so far!
Shark Steam Mop- Just purchased this beauty tonight, and boy am I happy about it! We immediately hooked it up and mopped our kitchen. The mop glides with such ease, and the handle is long enough that we can mop our entire kitchen without stepping food on the floor! It heated up within 30 seconds just like they say, and it cleaned deep down and got all of the sticky messes up! I could't believe how nasty the pad was after we were finished. YUCK!
I love the shark because there are no chemicals, meaning it is safe for us and our pets. The kitchen smelled clean afterwards, but not masked by harsh chemical odors.
I would recommend purchasing the diamond shaped attachment and pads however, because it was hard to reach the small nooks and cracks in my kitchen with the rectangle pad.

And last, but not least, Martha's new line of cleaning products! They are 99% biodegradable, and the containers are made of recycled materials. We ran by Home Depot tonight and picked up the All Purpose Cleaner, and the Carpet Stain Cleaner to start with.
Overall I am very satisfied! The cleaners aren't that expensive ($3.98/bottle in my area) and the bottles are a lot bigger than they look on the website. All of the cleaners have almost no odor what-so-ever. The only one I noticed was the Bathroom cleaner, it has a very faint scent but still smells natural.
The carpet cleaner lifted stains out of the carpet great! However, it does not mask or life pet urine odor. If you are looking for something for that, check out Simple Solutions Pet cleaners. The all purpose cleaner is great and leaves behind no residue or smell.
If you are the type that thinks of "clean" as the smell of bleach, lysol, pine, etc. then this is NOT the product for you. It cleans and sanitizes, but leaves virtually no smell behind. This is a fantastic cleaner for me, since I attach scents of cleaners to the mess they are cleaning up (for instance cleaning up dog messes with Febreze Lysol ruined it for me, now everytime I smell the Lysol I think DOG URINE!)

If it isn't obvious, we are trying to clean our home the green way. For our sake, and our pets sake. What products are you loving?


  1. Great reviews! :)

    I nominated you for Kreativ Blogger!

  2. I also have an award for you on my blog!

  3. Thank you darling for sharing this info, how did you know I am in need of a new vacuum.

    Love & Hugs

  4. OMG! Now I want to go buy a shark mop!
