Saturday, July 31, 2010

Just a thought post...

Life isn't always puppies, kitties, sunshine, and rainbows. Yes, work sucks. Marriage isn't always easy. Mistakes are made, no matter what your age. You lose friends, loved ones, and money. You lose your new snake and then find your cat trying to eat him in your bathroom 5 days later...

Just realizing lately, that life isn't perfect, and if it was, it would suck. Sometimes the best part of being in love, is having some horrible experience that makes you realize all over again, why you love that person so much.

I think sometimes the daily grind robs us of our souls, morals, values, dreams, and lives. We are so busy going to work, coming home, cooking dinner, watching TV, and repeat, that we forget to live a little.

Now for a second, imagine everything you have right now, taken away in an instant. It's like a blow right to the head from a steel pipe...

Recently, I got that blow... and it's time to wake the hell up.

Thanks for listening to something that probably makes sense to no one that reads my blog... :)