Tuesday, June 30, 2009

An Area For Meditation

Everyone needs a place to relax and meditate. Here's some inspiration..
whether its for yoga, spirtual, or just a place to go and relax, everyone deserves a place of their own. In our apartment we are going to have to settle for a corner of a room, or in our loft, but when we move into our house I'd like to make an entire room devoted to meditation and peacefulness

I will be attending my first time at the Buddhist church on Sunday July 12th. I want to explore religions and decide what is best for me. Jeff has agreed to go but not the first time, he wants me to go first and see if I like it, then if I do, he will try it. We both agree with the beliefs and values of buddhism and we want to grow together spiritually and raise our future children around set morals and values with positive influences around them. I'll be sure to blog about how that goes! My cousin, Sister, Mother, and Sister In Law have agreed to go with me.

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